Late-blooming flowers are surprisingly magnificent with an array of colors like jewel stones. Summer is often associated with the brightest blooms, but fall flowering perennials can match summer flowering plants or even better. The best time to start planning for fall gardening is the early season, especially if you want to begin seeds. It is good to establish a plant with a sturdy root system just before the first frost.
A piece of advice, most fall flowering perennials need stakes to remain standing or plant them against a wall. The reason is that when flowers start to open, it becomes cumbersome for the stem and branches to hold. To prevent them from flopping over, give them some support.
1. Balloon Flower
This flower belongs to the Campanulaceae family, but its blooms are more dramatic than others. Gardeners love this plant because it is low maintenance that only requires pruning during springtime or fall. It can bloom beautiful flowers both summer and fall that spread slowly, so it will not become a nuisance that needs constant pruning.
2. Blue Mist Shrub
This plant is one of the fall-flowering perennials subshrubs that blooms later in summer until the fall season. Its gray-green leaves stay all season, then cut back later in winter. Its flowers will start to show in August with impressive flower clusters. As much as possible, you need to keep butterflies and bees away from his plant. This flower blooms on new wood, and it is good to prune earlier in spring to form a butterfly bush.
3. Mums
The pumpkins and mums are the most popular fall flowering perennials because they are striking white, yellow, violet, red, and orange. However, some varieties are not sturdy, and best to plant them in springtime to enjoy the view in fall. If you get them in the fall, it is essential to plant them in the ground as soon as possible. The plant best grows in well-drained and moist soil and requires full sun. Also, they need constant watering and mulch as the ground freezes.

4. New York Daisy
The New York daisy loves the full and partial sun and can thrive in loamy, fertile, and well-drained soil. Its daisy-like flowers start to show later in August and will continue to decorate your garden until winter. If you want more flower buds, then you can do pinching during early summer. Most daisy varieties will fill your garden, but they can easily blend with other flowers around the garden.
5. Sunflowers
Sunflowers have many varieties, and the best fall flowering perennials are the Helianthus, with large genius flowers that bloom by the end of the season. You will enjoy its yellow and orange color by placing them in full sun with well-drained soil. Consider putting organic matter or compost if you want to enjoy more flowers. Another good thing about this type of sunflower is that it does not topple over as other sunflowers do.
6. Autumn Crocus
Many are familiar with crocus blooming in springtime, but the real beauty of this flower blossoms until fall. This variety loves partial shade and moist soil. It is a small plant that makes a carpet-like appearance that looks good under trees and walkways.
7. Marigolds
Marigold is a very sturdy flower plant that can withstand colder nights and frost. They can bloom continuously from planting until hard froze. You can cut the seed heads after blooming and dry. Save these seeds for next spring planting season.

8. Tickseed
The tickseed is fall flowering perennials that mostly bloom in summer, but pruning it back right after flowering can offer a fantastic display of flowers for fall. It is also disease and pest-resistant, but it requires full sun and sandy, well-drained soil.
9. Turtlehead
This plant is also called chelone lyongii, and its name comes from the look of its flower head that resembles turtle heads. It is a perennial plant that is fall blooming but does not grow well in dry and hot weather conditions. It is best in a moist and damp area in the garden. You can enjoy its red, white, pink, or lavender flowers for weeks, and it has dense foliage. You can do the pruning later in spring or fall for an additional attraction.
10. Heuchera
Another term is coral bells and is very popular because of its deep-colored foliage with green and burgundy shade. Heuchera is a cold-tolerant plant, so you can enjoy it from fall until the first frost and lives longer after all annuals already faded.