Do plants clean the air? Yes, plants are great for removing toxins from the air around your home. They can also help reduce stress and create a more peaceful environment in your home. If you want plants that will do all of this for you, read below to find out about 8 plants that will purify your air naturally!
Why do we even need air purifiers at home?
There are many toxins in the air around your home including pet dander, dust mites, pollen, mold spores, and more. These particles can cause allergies or other breathing difficulties for you or members of your family. Over time they will build up indoors so it is important to have plants that help remove these particles from the air!
What are the best air purifying plants?
There are many plants that clean your home’s air naturally. Here is a list of good plants to use in every room:
- Spider plant – One in a bedroom can reduce chemicals in the air by up to 83%. It will also help you sleep better at night!
Is it toxic?
Spider plants are not toxic to humans or animals.

How to Care for a Spider Plant: The Ultimate Guide
- Aloe plants – They will reduce chemicals in the air and can help with asthma or other breathing difficulties. One in the bedroom can reduce chemicals in the air by up to 80%.
Is it toxic?
Aloe Vera is not toxic but children should be supervised when handling this plant because of its sharp leaves.

- Peace lilies plants – These plants are great for bedrooms, living rooms, and offices! One plant is enough to remove toxins from a 12 x 14-foot room. This one can remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air. It also will keep your air free of mold or fungus spores!
Is it toxic?
Peace lilies are not toxic to humans or animals.

- Dracaena plants – They Will also work well in any room to help purify the air. One plant can remove up to 87% of chemicals and toxins from the air. This one is great for removing formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from your home.
Is it toxic?
Dracaena plants are not known to be toxic to humans or animals however they should NOT be consumed by cats as they contain calcium.

- Bamboo plants – They will grow in low light and are great for bathrooms! They will remove chemical toxins from the air and help keep your bathroom free of mold.
Is it toxic?
Bamboo plants are not known to be toxic but some species have sharp edges so they should be kept out of reach from pets and children. Some bamboo plants can cause an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin if touched or eaten.

- English ivy plants – Reduces formaldehyde which is found in paint, furniture, carpeting, etc. This plant should be kept away from pets though as it can make them sick if eaten. These plants are also great for creating a more peaceful environment.

- Ficus plants – These plants can clean toxins from the air as well as create some oxygen at night, which is perfect for bedrooms!
Is it toxic?
Ficus plants are not known to be toxic but some species have sharp edges so they should be kept out of reach from pets and children. Some ficus plants can cause an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin if touched or eaten. – Golden pothos plants – These plants work well for bathrooms, basements

- Garden Mum plants – A popular house plant that will grow in low light and reduce chemicals such as benzene found around your home. It will also create more oxygen at night.
Is it toxic?
Garden Mum plants are not toxic but may cause nausea or vomiting if eaten.

Safety concerns before you buy a plant for your home:
- Potted plants should never be placed directly in front of air conditioning and heating vents. This can cause damage to the plants and will not keep them healthy for very long!
- If you have pets, make sure that there is enough room around plants so they cannot eat or drink from any part of it. Some plants can make your pet very sick if they eat them!
- Keep plants away from sources of heat such as fireplaces, radiators, and light bulbs. This will cause the plants to dry out faster so it is important to keep an eye on them for this reason.
- Make sure that plants do not have any contact with any electrical outlets. This can cause damage to plants and may shock you or your family if they touch them!
- Be sure that plants are not kept in any area with very low light for long periods of time, especially during winter months when weeks can go by without sunlight.