Is beer good for your garden? That is a question that many people have asked, and the answer is not always clear. Some people say that beer can be used as a fertilizer, while others claim that it can actually harm plants. In this blog post, we will explore a bit about the history of beer, how it is made, and address the main question of whether beer use in the garden is beneficial.
Where Does Beer Come from?
Beer is an ancient alcoholic beverage that is created by fermenting grains. The earliest record of beer was from Mesopotamia, which is now modern-day Iraq. The beer was made from barley and other grains, and it was a part of the diet of many ancient cultures.
How is Beer Made?
Beer is made by brewing and fermenting starches that have been converted into sugars
The most common grain used in beer brewing is barley, but wheat, rye, and oats can also be used. Hops are added to beer for flavor, and yeast is used to ferment the sugars in the beer and turn them into alcohol.
The brewing process extracts sugars from the malt which are then fermented by the yeast to create alcohol. The hops add bitterness and flavor to the beer. After fermentation, the beer is typically bottled or kegged for distribution.
The leftover grains from brewing, known as spent grain, can be used as animal feed or compost. Spent grain can also be added directly to the garden soil as a form of organic matter.

Should You Use Beer in Your Garden?
Let’s break down the ingredients of beer:
water, malt, hops, and yeast. All of these things might sound to be beneficial to plants! Water is essential for all life, and beer can provide a source of water for your plants (just be sure not to spill beer on the leaves). Malt and hops are both sources of sugar, which can be used by plants as a food source. However, these carbohydrates are considered simple sugars and it is known that plants consume complex sugars. Also, although it is true that beer contains around 90 percent water, considering the price tag on beers, using it to water your plants might not be the smartest idea! It is also important to remember that beer also contains alcohol, which can be harmful to plants.
Yeast is a microorganism that is used in beer brewing, and although it helps with the decomposition of organic matter, it is important to know that yeast is a fungus. When you put fungus on the soil around plants (as when using beer as fertilizer), it grows. Fungus growth is commonly accompanied by an unsavory smell and provides no nutrients to your plant whatsoever; it merely smells unpleasant.
So, what is the verdict? Should you use beer in your garden? The answer is no. beer does not provide any benefits to your plants, and can actually harm them. It is best to stick with other methods of watering and fertilizing your garden. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help!