Grubs are a type of bug that can be found under the ground. They eat grass and other plants, which causes them to die. This grub problem is common in the North East United States and it could be hard to control without professional help from pest services. In this blog post, we will discuss grubs meaning, what does grubs eat, grubs damage, grubs life cycle as well as what you can do about it!
Grubs Meaning:
Grubs meaning: They are a type of beetle larvae that feed on grass roots. They are usually creamy-white with a brown head and can be up to one inch long. Grubs can be found most often in areas with moist soil, so grub infestations are more common during the spring and fall seasons. Grubs cause damage to lawns because they eat plant roots which will eventually kill plants if grub populations become large.

Types of Grubs:
There are different types of grubs that can infest your lawn, including masked grubs, May/June beetles grub, and European chafers. What is the difference between them?
- Masked grubs are the most common type of grub found in lawns. They have dark heads and yellow-brown bodies with six legs near their head, but no legs on their tail end.
- May/June beetles grub is also known as annual white grub, they can be identified by a cream colored body with brown stripes. They have seven pairs of legs, and their head capsule is brown.
- European chafers grub has a cream colored body with six to eight dark lengthwise stripes on the top which makes it look like an orange letter “H.” Their head capsules are also reddish brown.
What Does Grubs Bug Eat?
Grubs bug are plant-eating insects that will cause damage to the roots of grass which in turn kills plants. Grubs do not just feed on grass though! You may also see grub damage on woody ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees. Grub damage includes patches of dead or dying grass in your lawn. You may also see grubs feeding on the roots of other areas around your yard which is why grub control can be hard to do without professional help.
Grubs Damage:
Now that we know what does grubs eat, and where they can be found we will discuss what kind of damages they can cause. Grubs cause damage to lawns by eating the roots of grass, which will eventually kill it. You may also see grubs damage on woody ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees. Grub infestation can sometimes be mistaken for drought stress or nutrient deficiency so it is important to know what grubs damage looks like! You will first notice one or two patches of dead grass and if not treated, it will eventually take over.

Grubs Life Cycle:
Grubs life cycle can last about two years. The damage that they cause usually happens in the spring and fall when grubs are actively feeding on plants’ roots which makes grub control crucial during these seasons. In late summer, grubs begin to move deeper into the soil for winter months where they will remain dormant until next year’s growing season begins again.
What to Do About Grubs Bug:
If you suspect grub infestation in your lawn, there are a few things you can do. One is to use chemical grub control which will help with killing grubs present and preventing future ones from appearing. You may also try watering the grass deeply every couple of days for three weeks or so. This will encourage grubs to reach the surface for a drink, where they can be picked off by hand! Covering newly seeded or sodded areas with chicken wire also helps prevent grub infestation in lawns that are just being established.
It is also important to remember prevention. One way of preventing grub damage in your lawn is by looking for grubs eggs before they hatch into larvae or grubs which can be done with a simple soil test. If any signs of grub infestation are found then chemical control or grub insecticides can be used to kill grubs.
What About Nematodes? Would That Help Get Rid of Grubs Bug?
Nematodes are grubs bug predators that eat grubs in their larval stage. Because nematodes are microscopic, they can be applied to the soil around turfgrass without causing damage or harming other plants. Once grubs come into contact with nematode-treated lawns, they will die!
Nematodes are one grubs bug control technique that can help you get rid of them naturally.
Remember that nematode applications should be made in the spring or fall when grubs bug are less likely to fly away from treated areas. Another reason why it is important to apply predators like nematodes during this time of year is grubs will be in their larval stage, which means nematodes can kill grubs bug easier.
Also, keep in mind that when purchasing nematodes, the product is not expired and that it was stored properly because are actually purchasing a living culture of nematodes. In addition, make sure that you follow the instructions carefully. For example, you cannot apply it in direct sunlight because it will kill the nematodes before they get to do their job of eating the grubs. After you apply the solution, do not forget to water the lawn in order to let the solution go right into the root level, where the grubs are present.
Final Thought
We all know there are certain things that can cause our lawns to become less than perfect. As we discussed in this post grubs bug in your grass is one way to lose your beautiful-looking lawn. Grubs will damage your lawn and make it look unkempt if you let them go unchecked for too long. With just a little care and attention though, these pests can be kept at bay without any harm done to your property or its appearance. By being aware of grubs meaning, what does grubs eat, grubs damage, grubs life cycle as well as what you can do about it we can try and protect our lawn for many years to come against grubs bug.